Very proud to say that Carmichael Lynch is one of my longest-running clients, at least a job a year for I think 27-years and counting. And while there is familiarity, like any good relationship, what works and is proven time and time again is the amount that you get back is proportionate to what you put in.
This year we did four embargoed shoots, and after seeing lots and lots (did I say lots) of pipe and drape kits go up and come down, I’m finally able to share some of my most-favorite images.
Global warming aside, it’s always a challenge to track down late-season snow, but as I am fortunate to work with some of the best people and best problem-solvers in the business, it was really no surprise to anyone when producer Gyorgi Sapojnikoff came up with Dunton Hot Springs in southwestern Colorado. But spring skiing it was not — as the sun faded and struggled to rise again the next morning, we shot in below zero temperatures for both our shoot windows.
Ultimately the creative goal is all about looking for ways to keep it real and capture authentic stories around Subaru’s four thematic pillars—longevity, safety, versatility and adventure. To make images that resonate with people that are defined as doers, deeply engaged with life. Definitely my kind of people.